In my talk today I shared a story about President Monson when he served as a mission president in Canada many years ago. He was asked to visited and speak in a small branch in his mission. It only had 9 people and consisted of two families. They met in the basement of a rented building. After the meeting the branch president told President Monson he wanted to build a chapel for his branch. He then showed him a picture of a beautiful big building. President Monson told him he would need 300 or more members attending before he could build such a big building. The branch president said they would do it. He said he planned to share the gospel with everyone in his city. He then asked President Monson if he would send them 6 elders to help in the work. He did so. As the story goes, after the missionaries arrived the branch president knelt and prayed with the missionaries and told them this was the day they would start building their new chapel. The missionaries told him that is great, but we do not have anyone to teach yet. Then this wonderful branch president said if we are going to build a chapel then we need an architect. So he reached up to the bookshelf and took the phonebook down and turned to the business listings and started calling the names of architects out of the phone book. He did the same for doctors, lawyers and many others. He invited them to his home and introduced them to the missionaries and shared the gospel with them. President Monson testified that at the end of his 3 year mission they built that chapel and they had over 400 people in attendance. The secret to their miracle was their faith, enthusiasm, attitude and action.
Well, that story was part of my remarks today. I then told them that I was not sure if we could build a chapel, but I had felt a strong impression we should send missionaries to the small branch of Sumoto on Awaji Island. Coincidentally they have about 9 members attending made up of a couple families. The stake president had told me that the branch had set a goal this year of one baptism for their branch. They have not had missionaries there or a convert baptism for several years (perhaps 10 years). I told the stake president a few weeks ago that if they would raise their goal to 5 and work with us to reactivate 5 more I would send missionaries. Well I had not heard back yet on any revised goals, but we moved forward anyway and are in the process of renting an apartment near the rented church there in Sumoto. At the end of the meeting, a sobbing branch president came to me on the stand and embraced me (which is not common in this culture) and expressed words of gratitude. It was President Kasai of the Sumoto Branch. He then showed me a long list of people. He said we have friends and know people that we want to share the gospel with. He also had a list of less active families he wanted help to visit. Both lists were impressive. I was becoming overwhelmed with emotions myself. I told him I would send him two of my best missionaries and together we would build his branch back up. This ranks as one the most special experiences of my mission so far. My words here probably do not do it justice. The work goes forward and there are members here that are ready to move it forward. We will work to double the attendance in that branch by the end of the year!
We have a kind of similar situation in the Kyoto Stake. The good stake president there came to me and said we want to build a chapel in Omihachiman. There is ward there with about 70 people attending. It is a rather rural area. He said if we can get the average up to 80 people we can put in a request to build a small chapel. It would be the only chapel in that prefecture (state) in Japan. He asked me to send more missionaries to serve in that ward. We have two there now and he asked for two more. I said you show me your ward mission plan and we will help you achieve it. They did and it is a great plan and the whole ward is behind it. The ward is very spread out geographically and the missionaries cannot ride their bikes to all the areas and members’ homes in a reasonable amount of time. They tried once and after a 3 hour bike ride one way determined there must be a better way. The train is helpful, but only if members and investigators live near the train stations. The cost of train tickets is also a burden for the missionaries. The missionaries suggested we get special bikes that can fold up so they could take them on the train to the various areas in the ward, then ride them to their destinations once they get off the train. When I shared this idea with the stake president he said not to worry the stake would buy two bikes and help finance train fare. To make a long story short, we now have a plan to increase by two missionaries, and get them new bikes so they can work better with the ward and help them build a new chapel in Omihachiman. The past several months we have been focusing on becoming more unified with the members. The growth we saw as a mission last year was largely through the missionaries’ increased efforts in street contacting and housing. To see the work progress faster and beyond the levels we are at now, we must get the members more involved. It is happening and it is giving me great hope for the future of the work here.
Speaking of Stake Conferences, last week was the Osaka Stake Conference and a new Stake Presidency was organized by Elder Aoyagi and Elder Ishii of the Seventy. This is a picture of the outgoing presidency and the incoming presidency. The new stake president is President Suita from the Nara Branch. Sister McIntyre and I had speaking assignments on both Saturday and Sunday in this conference as well. It was a wonderful conference and the Spirit was strong. We have great expectations for Osaka going forward.
I already shared some of my feelings about spending six months of my mission in Sumoto in 2003. The members there are wonderful, I remember Brother Kasai well (1st counselor in the branch presidency when I was there). He is a very faithful brother and I am pleased to hear the great news that they are excited to work with missionaries again.
Perhaps the baptism I saw when I was there in 2003 was the last baptism Sumoto had, but that baptism was a member referral and all the members of that wonderful branch gathered around this sweet sister (Sister Nishiwaki if I remember right-although I think I heard she moved from Awaji soon after baptism). I am sure the elect are there and I biked around the entire island (literally), please give my best wishes again to the missionaries and the wonderful branch! I pray the Lord will bless them because of the faith they've shown in the past, and the faith they will show in the future! Thank you for all you do in helping to build the church in my most beloved island in the world!
Gospel Love,
Jeff Karlsson
Thank you for sharing these wonderful stories!
I live on Awaji and I am one of the inactivies. I am inactive because I don't believe the church is true. But I enjoyed the members of the branch and the fun times we had. The branch has been stagnant for years. One reason is the location. The rented building is just about embarassing for a church. A nicer builiding would help. Also the absence of missionaries was bad too. I wish you the best.
Hey President, I just stumbled across your blog and think it is great! I served in the Kobe mission about 10 years ago and especially the pictures bring back many good memories. I served at the time of another consolidation - the Kobe mission was dissolved and divided between the Hiroshima and Nagoya missions. (I returned home from Nagoya)
One of the places I served was the Hikone ward, which a few years after I left moved to Omihachiman. The bishop at the time has a very similar story to President Monson's story about Canada. If I remember correctly, he joined the church in college and when he came back to his hometown, the nearest congregation was hours away. So he called up the mission president who sent 4 or 6 missionaries and went to work! Sorry to hear that they still don't have enough members for a building. This was Bishop Shimokawa; I'm sure he's still around - you should ask me about it sometime. :)
Brother Kasai was a hard working Elder when he served in Suita in the Kobe Mission in 1988, I enjoyed having him in my apartment. Glad to see the branch is thriving.
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